Medical Supplies - English Vocabulary

Medical Supplies - English Vocabulary

syringeHere is a list of some of the most common supplies found in doctors' offices, operating rooms and medical kits. Study the vocabulary and try the matching exercise.

antisepticliquid used to sterilize (clean) the surface of the skin
bandagea cloth covering that is placed over a wound to prevent bleeding, swelling and infection
bandage scissorstool used to cut bandages
blood pressure monitora tool that measures the force of blood flow through a person's body
dressingprotective covering that is placed over a wound
elastic tapea thin roll of stretchy material that is sticky on one side
eye charta poster of letter, word, and number combinations of various sizes used to test a person's eyesight
forcepsinstrument used during operations and medical procedures (assists the doctor in pulling, holding, and retrieving)
gauzethin, netted material used for dressing wounds
hypodermic needlesharp pointed metal piece that pricks the skin (attached to a syringe), used for taking blood or administering medicine
IV bagthe pouch that contains liquids to be pumped into a patient's body
medicine cupsmall plastic measuring cup
microscopeequipment that makes small things appear larger than they are
otoscopea device used for looking into a patient's ears
oxygen maskequipment that fits over the nose and mouth and supplies oxygen
privacy screenan object that is used to separate the doctor and patient from others in an open room
scalesa device that measures a person's weight
stethoscopeequipment for listening to a person's heart and lungs
syringea cylinder-shaped piece that attaches to a needle and can be filled with liquid
table and head-rest paperpaper that is placed on an examining table or head-rest to prevent the spread of germs
test tubeglass cylinder that is filled with blood or other liquids and can be capped and placed in a storage area
thermometeran instrument used to check a person's body temperature
viala small bottle or container used for storing liquids

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